by Laurie James
Running Time: 1 hour 15 minutes approximately without an interval
Two judges sit in an American Court, granting asylum or deportation to African Nationals. Some of them have girl children who will be made to suffer Female Genital Mutilation in their home countries, if they are returned. Asylum is more likely to be given to women then men, even though both may have daughters. If girls survive FGM, in later life their health will suffer and sex & childbirth will be painful. This practice is tradition, not religion. Heartblood shows the heartbreak of this problem – it will drive one man to extreme measures to save his daughter.
This powerful play explores a great wrong – a wrong prevalent both in the US & the UK.
Performers include Chris Rochester, Jamie Newall, Sakuntala Ramanee, Law Thompson, Winnie Imara, George Ronayne and Juliana Liske.
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